My First Class Observation

My First Observation
Augustus 23,2018
Hello Everyone.. let me tell you my first observation in PSU Integrated School. I went to the school at 08.30 a.m. 
then we met ma’am Agnes. Ma’am Agnes introduced me to my cooperating teacher. My cooperating teacher is Teacher Mady Sapitula. I was under Teacher Mady for teaching entrepreneurship for grade XII

I entered my first class for doing observation at 10 untill 11 a.m. In this class Teacher Mady was teaching Chapter one for entrepreneurship. The Topic was about introducing entrepreneurship. In this topic we discussed what is entrepreneurship,  how to start our own business, why should we have our own business and how the businessman thinks and makes the decisions by doing business plan with SWOT analysis. My first class observation ended by 11 a.m. Teacher Mady gave me permission to go back to my dormitori for my lunch and doing my prayers. I went again to the school at 12.45 p.m. for my second class observation. I entered the class at 1 p.m. this section I was in Grade XII Humss Frost. The Subject for today was Religion with the topic was Religion And Belief Sistem. I was so excited to observe this class because of the timing they studied. Actually I have different belief with them. Almost all of them they are not Muslims. Teacher Mady asked me to shared my knoledge about Islam to the students. The students were so excited to ask me the questions. They gave me questiones related to Islam regulations. There was one thing that made me noticed this class. I showed the teacher gave the funny punishment for the students who did not follow the rull of the class well. The funny punishmnet was not only as a punishment for the student because the students should show their talent to their friends. That was why it was good to be applied. I like the way how Teaccher Mady was teaching actually. The class ended at 2 p.m. Teacher mady and I went to the teachers’s office for discussing what should I do for tomorrow. Teacher Mady gave me her schedulle and asked me to come again tomorrow to continue my observations.

My mentor also explains to me about the story of the high school.
Pangasinan State University, The university was founded in its current form in 1979. PSU is notable for its many locations throughout the province of Pangasinan. It is mandated to provide advanced instruction in the arts, agricultural and natural sciences as well as in technological and professional fields. Its main campus is located in LingayenPangasinan. Other campuses are located in Alaminos CityAsinganBayambangBinmaleyInfantaSan Carlos CitySanta Maria, and Urdaneta City and the president of PSU is Dr. Dexter R. Buted.
Pangasinan State University  has 9 campuses that have several majors ranging from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and college, which they also have good administration in their schools, provide a learning environment conducive enough for their students to make them competent and creative students. In their academic plans and school development, they have a good vision and mission to become an ASEAN Premier State University in 2020 and the Pangasinan State University, through instruction, research, extension and production, committees to develop highly principled, morally upright, innovative And globally competent individuals capable of meeting the needs of industry, public service and civil society. And all this is possible with the support and assistance of the government, parents, teachers, and students themselves. Good thing in this school, parents have the greatest role in supporting the needs of the students. They not only support when students come to their homes but also support their schools. The leadership of Pangasinan State University embraces the philosophy of education of the Philippines that education is directed towards citizenship and better livelihoods and the United Nations statement that education for all gives access to quality education. In terms of the faculty staffs, they have a good relationship with each other. We can’t deny their good teaching performance and their enthusiasm in their profession but their good relationship shows how they care with each other through having peer-evaluation and even having a sharing of knowledge and teaching methods. Moreover, schools also provide professional development through workshops on teaching methods. In terms of their curriculum and instruction, they ensure that the curriculum, which comes from the ministry of education, will reflect the vision and mission of their school. They use curriculum K to 12 in their education. Nothing else they have Internet, servers, computer labs and easily accessible LCD projectors used as classroom instructions. Another good thing in their evaluation to the students, is that they have an evaluation of these characters to the students. In addition, they provide extra-curricular activities that are also assessed. Additionally, in terms of their facilities, they have accessible library and laboratories which have complete equipment and resources. With their physical environment, they have good buildings, clean and fresh surroundings, and satisfying services.

Pedagogical Contents
2.1 Teaching Methods   
                        For teaching methods in PSU Integrated School the teachers use expository method. Students should active in that class. The teacher interact the students with some steps such as warm up to make the students interest to follow the class, then the teacher  gives some explanation about the material that will be disscusses clearly it can make sure the students understand about the material, and sometimes the teacher used group activity after the students got the point about the materials, teacher  gave some excercises to the students.

       2.2 Learning materials and innovation
                        The teachers have already prepared the lesson plan  and all the materials before teaching. The material choosen by the mentor at school. We can choose the material according to the text book. In teaching process, teacher has to explain clearly to make all students understand about the materials.

       Sources of learning and technology
To support the the teaching and learning process, teacher should have sources of learning and should be able to use the technology. Sources of learning is the text book, some teachers have worksheet and extra sheets which made by theirself, it depends on the subjects. If teachers want to add some information or something, teachers can search on website or any sources. So it can be easily for the teacher to get new information that appropriate with the materials. Teachers should be able to utilize the technology that has been available to vacilitate teachers and students in learning process.

         Authentic Assessment
            And for assessment the teacher can provide a match that matches the material which has been taught. The teacher can also modify the exercises in the textbook with the excercises which they has made by themselves or exercises that taken from other sources. The exercises is made with the aim to measure the ability of students in answering questions that have been given based on the material that has been studied.


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