My Second Class Observation

My Second Class Observation..
Augustus 24, 2018
Today my class is started at 08.a.m. I enter grade XII still with the same subject as yesterday. In the beginning of the class, Teacher Mady asks me to introduce myself to this class. This class is discussing topic about religion. As yesterday I answere again the questions that are given by the students for about 15 minutes then teacher Mady continues her teaching. Teacher Mady explains the lesson as well and still asks my knoledge when they are talking about one of the religion in this world. Actually they do not only talk about Islam but because of Islam is one of religion in this world that they are talking about and the timing is very perfect, there is me  as a muslim so they ask me about that. The students are so excited asking me questions even more then yesterday. The students are interest to ask me questions such as: “Who is Isa”, “tell about you attire in Islam”, “why don’t you eat pog” etc and Im trying to answere them. The class is done at 09.00 a.m. Im going to the teacher’s room with my mentor. The second class of teacher Mady is at 10 a.m. So that’s why im just sitting in the Teacher Mady’s table and
I start my second class observation for today at 10-11 a.m. still grade XII that has the same subbjet matter and topic. This also my first time entering this class so that is why I introduce myself again. In the beginning of the class, teacher Mady is checking the students’s attendance and arranges the students’s seat well. Teacher Mady is starting to teach the lesson for today. In this section teacher Mady asks me again to go to the front and do sharing with the students. I discuss the lesson for today related to My religion. The students actually already know and read about Islam before. They just need deep clarification from me as a muslim. Im really happy I can share with them and I can see also they are very excited to ask and learn it from me. Finally the time is ended for today. We should continue this discussing next meeting. The class is done at 11 a.m.
At 11 a.m in the same classroom, we face the last class for today. The class is HUMSS-SHAKESPEARE and it’s still grade 12 with the same subject matter and topic too. In this class section, I meet the good students and they are also excited and respect me well as a forign teacher. They treat me like their own teacher even they just meet me for the first day. I’m really happy to be with them, Teacher Mady and also her students. Teacher Mady always guides me and I believe, she will be a great mentor for me. She will help me to be a great teacher too. Even it’s just very early to me, but I’m really confortable with my mentor. I’m really thankful to meet Teacher Mady. She is very beautiful and caring to me. Even though she is also teaching collage students, she is really humble to me. I hope I’m gonna learn much many things from her. I really want to be a great teacher as my mentor, Teacher Mady. She is even teaching two subject for grade XII. Entrepreneurship and Belief & Religion.
This section is done by sharing knoledge about Islam too. They have me as their speaker for today :D. Im happy to be a part of Teacher Mady’s Class and her students.
Okay, i think it’s enough for today. Im really happy, even I do not feel tired entering three classes today. See you next experiences! when I face my teaching :o


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