
Showing posts from September, 2018

Surprised From STEM 12 DARWIN

Surprised From STEM 12 DARWIN Never thought that they prepared this surprise for me. I just met them for very short period but they really treated me like their own teacher. They ask to my mentor for not studying this day because they wanted to give much memories to me. Several of them were singing for me and giving speech that they were really thankful to meet me. The students were really nice. I will miss them so much.  They gave me an certificate from their class, a photo with their class, flowers and a lots of messages thst they put into a nice bottle.. 
September 10, 2018 Practice Teaching Again             Finally I come to my last practice teaching. I start again with the STEM 12 DARWIN, with the Entrepreneurship as the subject. For today, I want to continue the last topic from Chapter 3. I ask the mayor to lead the prayers before going to continue our lesson for today. I check the attendance and ask the students to sit down based on their group that I have divided last meeting. I let the students to prepare their group before showing their presentation. I ask group one to show their material in front of their friends and rest students are observing and be active for the discussion after the group finishing the presentation. Group one start their topic about the five stages of opportunity recognition: Precondition, conception, visioning, assessment and realization. They explain the topic well because they have discussed it last meeting. Group one is finishing then the disc...

The Second Practice Teaching

September 03, 2018 Second Practice Teaching I do my second practice teaching in the same class, STEM 12 DARWIN. In the beginning of class, I ask the mayor of this class to lead the praying and after that I check the attandance of the students. Before continue the lesson, I ask the students to do review about the last topic. I ask the students to raise their hand when they want to explain. the students try to explain the the last lesson about Entrepreneurship with Generating Ideas: Harnessing Logic and Creativity as the topic. one student explains about Methods For Generating or Testing New Ideas, there are . Fisrt by product, second by process, third by person and fourth by relationship. one student explains about Creativity: A New Way of Looking at Things, Creativity can be described as the capacity of individuals to originate new ideas from ideas to individual has been previously exposed. The key in thes sources and methods that give rise to business ide...


August 25, 2018 Holiday and Travelling We go for having holiday every Saturday. This Saturday is the first trip that we have. We actually planned for visiting Baguio, but because of the day is often raining we just go to   Nayong Filipino. Nayong Filipino is a museum. We are going there at 7 a.m but unlucky for us we could’t enter that museum. I dont know why, but it is okay. We can go to another beautifull place here. Finally we go to Super Mall. The Mall is very beautiful and big. The name of the Mall is Clerk Mall. We came up to the Mall at 1 p.m. Papa Mike gives us instructions first before we are entering the Mall. We will be here untill 4.30 than we go back to Bayambang and be carefull.. My friends and I are enjoying to be at this Mall. Several if us eating and also have a lots of shopping. We go to find Money Changer first before shopping and eating. My friends buy a lots of things as their gifts for the family in Indonesia.we also have lunch at Jolibee after tiring ...

Self Report

Student Teacher’s Self Report Student Teacher’s N ame         : Donna Home U niversity                      : Padang State University (UNP) Host University                        : P angasinan State University Receiving School                    : PSU Integrated School - High School Department                                                 ...